My Trip to St. Lucia

I came down with my to St. Lucia for a vacation.  We’re staying at a one star hotel but I like the room.  It only had one bed so they brought in mattress and sheets and put them on the floor.  On the first day I got here we had to call my dad to ask what hotel  we were staying at immigration (my dad got here first).  We walked down the beach and had dinner at one of my favorite places in St. Lucia, The Reef.  We had a pizza with extra cheese and pineapples (when you order their pizza they give you a list of toppings.  I chose extra cheese and pineapples).  After dinner I had the best banana milk shake in the world.  I am not overstating this, I love the banana milk shake made at the reef.  The next day I was covered in bug bites, and I’m getting slightly more every day, I could literally play connect the dots with my bug bites (they’re extremely itchy).  We went to a pizza place called Sherly’s.  My family and I had a vegetarian pizza (I’m an ovo-lacto vegetarian) and it had the regular toppings on a vegetarian pizza with the addition of carrots and peas. It’s strange but delicious, but they change it around sometimes the next time We went there they didn’t have the peas or carrots.  The tv in our room works quite well and it gets regular tv with some shows and commercials in a different language.  I went with my parents to the grocery/liquor store to get food for our room.  Then a couple days later we went to a different store (no particular reason except for the fact that it was closer at the time) and if you go upstairs you’ll find a couple of stores, but the on I mainly go to is the book store they have a bunch of books from that I read when I was younger.  I got a couple of books, all of them were books that I haven’t read when I was younger (for those of you who are wondering, the are the Geronimo Stilton books). I like the Geronimo Stilton books even though it’s obvious they’re for little kids.  Next weekend, my dad wants my family and I to go to a really fun water park called Coconut Bay.  They make this free drink for kids that I like called the power puff girls (they also make a bob the builder and spongebob drink).  We celebrated my 11th birthday there so I know I’ll have a good time.

I am enjoying my stay here so far and I still have two weeks left

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